Για να δείτε αν εμπεδώσατε τους κανόνες γραμματικής κάνετε τις παρακάτω ασκήσεις. Αν δυσκολεύεστε ανατρέξτε ξανά στους κανόνες.
Countable and
uncountable nous
Exercise A.
Are these nouns countable or uncountable?
1. water
____________ 2. fruit ____________ 3. coconut ____________ 4. bread
5. DVD
____________ 6. meat ____________ 7. ball ____________ 8. snack ____________
9. glasses
____________ 10. pen ____________ 11. milk ____________ 12. chair ____________
gasoline ____________ 14. table ____________ 15. cream ____________ 16. money
____________ 17. oil ____________ 18. insect ____________ 19. sofa ____________
20. yogurt
____________ 21. school ____________ 22. bus ____________ 23. food ____________
chocolate ____________ 25. ship ____________
Exercise B. `a´ or
`an´? (Countable Nouns)
1. ____________ uncle 2. ____________ hour 3.
____________ bus 4. ____________ dress
____________ oven 6. ____________ beach 7. ____________ teacher 8. ____________
9. ____________ taxi 10. ____________ umbrella
11. ____________ player 12. ____________ eye
13. ____________ castle 14. ____________ artist
15. ____________ river 16. ____________ tent
17. ____________ doctor 18. ____________
exercise 19. ____________ lady
20. ____________ house 21. ____________
envelope 22. ____________ taxi 23. ____________ idea
24. ____________ computer 25. ____________
C. `a / an´, `some´ and `any´.
1. Lisa´s
got a / an towel. 2. Ana´s got a / some rucksack. 3. Lucía’s got an / some
insect repellent.
4. Javi hasn´t got some / any sunglasses. 5.
Antonio´s got a / some swimming costume. 6. Ignacio
hasn´t got
any / some sandwiches. 7. Angeles has got an / a apple. 8. There aren´t any /
some cafés
in the
city. 9. I haven´t got any / some money. 10. Have you got some / any sun cream?
11. We´ve
got some /
any sandwiches. 12. We need a / an torch for our camping trip. 13. There isn´t
some / any
litter on
the beach. 14. I´m going to buy any / an ice cream. 15. Can I have some / a strawberries?
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